
images-2.jpegRedesign Services

TT Redesigns is here to work with you on all of your decorating and organizational projects.

Contact Trisha for a complimentary discussion about your design project.

Post discussion, if TT Redesigns feels like a good fit for your needs, we will schedule a design consultation which includes review of an online redesign questionnaire, on-site consultation, research for your project and both written and verbal recommendations.  The consultation is priced at 150 dollars.  At this point you will have a detailed plan for your design project.  When you are ready to begin the project, you may decide to complete some of the work yourself, hire Trisha, or some combination of the two that works best for you.

Decorating & Organization Services….
Creating cohesive and beautiful spaces through:

  • Designing an inviting entryway to your space.

  • Selecting furniture and arranging it in creative and effective ways.

  • Color palette and overall style selection.

  • Creative use of decorative accents {lighting, paint, window treatments, artwork,  pillows, throws, vases etc.} that work in unison & fit within your desired style and color scheme.

  • Editing collections and creating ordered storage and/or display systems for each room, cabinet, drawer, nook & cranny of your home or work space.

  • Using as many of the things you love to make your space your own.

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